Easy to use. The Magicard Rio PRO printer features plug-and-play Microsoft Windows drivers and an intuitive LCD control panel that displays print job status with easy-to-read message prompts and commands. Flexible printer interfaces. With the Magicard Rio PRO, Ethernet, USB and Parallel interfaces are included. Anti-forgery protection with HoloKote. Security is what matters with the Magicard Rio PRO printer. Magicard offers exclusive standard and custom HoloKote watermarks and an optional HoloPatch gold seal. HoloKote is an anti-counterfeiting watermark that prints along the entire card surface. Standard HoloKote patterns - 'Ultra Secure Keys' and 'Interlocking Squares' - can be accessed via your printer driver settings, while the HoloKote Custom Key prints customer-specific graphics and text. Your company's Custom Key information is uniquely encrypted and electronically stored onto the key so that duplication is not possible. The Custom Key is also available with a lock feature that acts as a printer lock so that your Rio PRO printer can only be used when this key is in place. Magicard HoloPatch cards work with HoloKote to produce a highly-visible gold seal. The Magicard HoloPatch seal is printed using special card stock and provides even greater card security. |